***************************************************************************************************************** THIS IS A RUNTIME LICENSE. IT CAN ONLY BE USED 150 COMPUTER(s). ***************************************************************************************************************** [ENGLISH] [PORTUGUES] SPECIFIC SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT - FINGERPRINT SDK 2009 ACORDO ESPECIFICO DE LICENCA DE USO DE SOFTWARE - FINGERPRINT SDK 2009 1. LICENSE SERIAL NUMBER: NUMERO DE SERIE DA LICENCA: -------------------- F9T176284 -------------------- 2. LICENSEE: LICENCIADO: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- W12 ary@w12.com.br ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. LICENSE PROVIDER: FORNECEDOR DA LICENCA: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Griaule S.A. Av. Romeu tortima, 1448 - Cidade Universitária, Campinas - SP, 13083-897 www.griaule.com/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ENGLISH] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - See also the GENERAL Software License Agreement - This is a legal license agreement between you (an individual or a single entity, hereinafter referred to as LICENSEE and Griaule (hereinafter referred to as GRIAULE) about a software product which includes software, the associated media, any printed materials, and any "online" or electronic documentation (further together called SOFTWARE). Please read this agreement carefully. By installing, copying or otherwise using SOFTWARE, the LICENSEE agrees to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If the LICENSEE disagrees with these conditions, the LICENSEE should immediately delete all copies of the software stored in its system. 4. Regular License This License allows the instalation and use of this software for 150 COMPUTER(s), and only of use by the LICENSEE. Installing this SOFTWARE in more computers than licensed is a violation of this license. 5. Support support@griaule.com Issuing date: (UTC) Mon Apr 10 14:27:26 2017 [PORTUGUES] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Veja tambem o acordo GERAL de licenca de uso de software -- O presente Acordo Especifico de Licenca de Uso de Software e celebrado entre voce, pessoa fisica ou juridica, doravante denominada LICENCIADA e Griaule, doravante denominada GRIAULE. Para os propositos deste Acordo, todos os produtos relacionados ao software (o que inclui midia, material impresso e qualquer documentacao eletronica) serao tambem denominados como SOFTWARE. Leia atentamente este Acordo. Ao instalar, copiar ou fazer uso do SOFTWARE, a LICENCIADA automaticamente concorda com os termos deste Acordo. Se a LICENCIADA discorda destas condicoes deve imediatamente apagar todas as copias do SOFTWARE gravadas em seu sistema. 4. Licenca de Uso Esta licenca permite a instalacao e uso deste SOFTWARE em apenas 150 COMPUTADOR(es), apenas para uso do LICENCIADO. Instalar este SOFTWARE em mais computadores do que licenciado e uma violacao desta licenca. 5. Suporte support@griaulebiometrics.com Data de emissao: (UTC) Mon Apr 10 14:27:26 2017 -------------HEADER------------- m5BmvWEagS4z+8lrx7QWcD8aXbcqhuOI 7MwzIU3+i/T/Cx+0WYcsuloBBuKQk0GS 11soaBWxmV7UJG20lAKlHCmkhOiPVi7A bjw7l46U+QPa5bgP1qTXuVJg3Smm0n29 K5N8gMjwJh8CWp3EIfodnJlOcn1XKF7D DbliMZIhECttBB5liTgJw8qTKePt3Uyh V3+WlhZu+IK+kmrvWoVrppNACfE5PNo1 2WKObE9xHwIde8LTld5+1GoPsLle5vv1 fa25uZcI57XDJzeNZnwV/y1XnCiF/+oF QFnC3YZhME32oQSPWaB6HkE4vxw1laye wTpgvVu21GUtaH+18yLNgw== -------------FOOTER-------------